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Hello and welcome to my blog! Feel free to look around, you can search through labels or just have a scroll through the weeks! My blog shows my progress over the A Level course and the production of my music video, music magazine and their ancillary products! Have fun and i hope you enjoy my blog! Nelly Tookey :)

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


I have analysed the results of my questionnaire, and this is what i have found:
1. On average, people have read 1-6 music magazines, this tells me that there is still an audience out there for me to aim my magazine at!

2. Participants also stated that on average, they would pay between £2.50 and £4 for a music magazine. This means that i can charge anything up to £4 for my magazine without it being too expensive for my target audience. I will probably charge around £3 for my magazine.

3. The most popular music genre is Mainstream/Pop and i think i can use this to my advantage by creating a vintage affect and maybe having a feature called 'Blast from the Past' where i will feature an artist from the past.

4. People are not sure whether they would read a music magazine of a different genre to what they are already interested in, two participants said maybe and two also said no, leaving one with a yes. Therefore mainstream is my safest option because most people are into that genre.

5. The majority of people are more likely to buy a music magazine if there is a free gift involved and all participants would prefer the magazine to be issued monthly.

6. 60% would like the magazine to be targeted at 16-19 year olds while 40% would rather it aimed at 18-23 year olds. I will probably create a broader range and target my magazine to 16-21 year olds, because it is somewhere in the middle.

7. The majority of participants want the magazine to be more focussed on photos and the main dislikes of the readers in music magazines is that there is too much text or too many adverts, I will aim to keep these at a minimum.

8. People would like to see images, quizzes, celebrity features which are interesting and have a good, creative design – I will include this.

9. My readers stated that if they enjoy reading a music magazine once, they are more likely to buy the next issue. In this case, I will aim to make my magazine as interesting and try to cater to the readers needs in order to make sure they are thoroughly entertained and will buy the next issue.

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