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Hello and welcome to my blog! Feel free to look around, you can search through labels or just have a scroll through the weeks! My blog shows my progress over the A Level course and the production of my music video, music magazine and their ancillary products! Have fun and i hope you enjoy my blog! Nelly Tookey :)

Monday, 30 January 2012


So half way through making my front cover, we start to think it doesnt quite look right. Since my magazine is supposed to look vintage, i have re-edited the main image, to make it look more warm. We also concluded that the masthead font was not quite right for the look i was going for, so i did some research on vintage magazines.

 These magazines have masthead's which are more bold with a not so bright colour (because the main colour lies elsewhere), rather than a thin, red one which i had. Therefore i decided to also change my masthead and the colour.

Anyway, here is my next draft of my front cover - minus cover lines! I realise it is not one of the fonts i have posted previously, but i was playing around on Photoshop with text effects and thought this suited perfectly! Any comments on the post would be appreciated :)


  1. title and sticker look good, just need to make sure coverlines stand out

  2. I like the use of red and the glow of the colours make it look vintage. The use of white for the cover lines may be good if you are doing them on her hair, or any bright cover, while at the same time keeping the vintage look :)
