Contents page analysis
The layout of this contents page is very jumbled up. There are images of all different sizes depending on how much of a feature they are. We can tell that it is a main feature because it is not only the largest of the sections but it is also centred. The colours are very bland, and it almost resembles a newspaper. The main heading is in Sans Serif and black typeface - this gives a more serious feel to the magazine. The features are also in black writing, however they are in serif typeface, this gives them a softer edge. Each Feature has a quotation from the article, an image and the page number in the bottom right corner of the image. The only major colour on the page is the advertisement which is bright red and yellow. The content of the features already contains taboo language, this tells us that the target audience is of someone who is old enough to be using/hearing these words. It also gives us a preview of the actual article. If there is a swear word in the title then we know that the article will also contain this taboo language. The date of the issue is in the middle at the top of the page underneath the main heading, telling us that the issue is of early December 2011. The images on the page are mainly of celebrities, showing that the magazine appeals to those interested in what is going on in celebrities. Especially the generation of the celebrities - not all of them are current and so the target audience range expands to older generations too.
Other stories featured in the magazine are stated in a small area, this tells us that they are not as important.
Double Page Spread Analysis
This double page spread looks quite lively, with quite a lot of colour. There are about 4 columns and they do not leave much room for some use of white space, so the only visible white space is where there is no text, however the image on the opposite page uses alot of white space as it is a studio image, and the artist therefore has a white backdrop. There is a standfirst at the top of the page stating some facts about Example (the featured artist), However there is no main heading, but there are small subheadings in different colours to the rest of the text. Plus one of the columns is in a completely different coloured text box, with all the celebrities he has annoyed so far. The fonts are all in Serif, except from the standfirst. The article contains a drop cap in pink, it is therefore very noticeable. The text:picutre ratio is 50:50 because there is an image on one page and text on the other.
The image of the artist is a mid-long shot at a high angle. The artist is in a leather jacket - connoting a bit of a bad boy, with a grey top and jeans. The image is in colour and there is no text wrap, although there is text on the picture, this could be the heading but it is not very clear. it states "The world according to Example". On the opposite page there are some smaller pictures, to go with the text box about who Example has annoyed, the images are in colour and only show a head-shot of the celebrities - each picture has a caption with it explaining how he had annoyed them.
The article uses taboo language, aiming the text to an older generation. There are some direct quotes as well, also the interview questions are shown as well as Example's clear answers. The semantic field is for teenagers into music, therefore there is no holding back on taboo language.
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