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Hello and welcome to my blog! Feel free to look around, you can search through labels or just have a scroll through the weeks! My blog shows my progress over the A Level course and the production of my music video, music magazine and their ancillary products! Have fun and i hope you enjoy my blog! Nelly Tookey :)

Monday, 20 February 2012


So i tried a few things out.. I made Tilly into a silhouette:
However, audience feedback and personal opinion said this looked to basic and unprofessional so i added the rest of the original image as the faded background of my contents page and this improved the overall style and appearance.

I then started to question the use of text boxes around my cover lines as a combination with the new background, let me know what you think about them without the boxes!

1 comment:

  1. I agree she looks better not in silhouette. I think I prefer it without the text boxes. I'm still not sure about the picture at the top - maybe there is just too much background?
