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Hello and welcome to my blog! Feel free to look around, you can search through labels or just have a scroll through the weeks! My blog shows my progress over the A Level course and the production of my music video, music magazine and their ancillary products! Have fun and i hope you enjoy my blog! Nelly Tookey :)

Saturday, 7 January 2012


I have decided that my magazine will take a more vintage tone to it, i have a couple of name ideas of which you can vote for in my poll, however i have decided to give you the reasons behind my choices to help you with your vote!

Allegro - It means cheerful or brisk, but commonly interpreted as lively or fast. It is a musical term, which is why i thought it could be good for a music magazine. The denotations of the word (lively and fast) portray the kinds of music genre's that will feature in my magazine.

Crescendo - It means growing progressively louder, another musical term which also suits the genre of my magazine. Both 'Crescendo' and 'Allegro' would be aimed further towards a target audience of musicians, as they would know the meanings of both of the names.

Rhythm - Quite straight forward to what this means, i thought it could be quite catchy and bold. I imagined the target audience to be teens or pre-teens for this, because it seems a bit younger, the genre would probably be pop.

Unplugged - I like this name because it is quite edgy. It would suit the classic, vintage genre i am going for. I would imagine the target audience for this would be teens - young adults because it seems like a more sophisticated masthead.

Music and Me - This would be either an 'over 23's target audience, or pre-teens. The name comes from the Michael Jackson song, which is why the older generations might appreciate it more. However, it sounds like more of a younger magazine name which is why it could eb suitable for a pre-teen magazine.

Beat It - Also from a Michael Jackson song, this sounds quite edgy as well. Probably suited more towards teens and young adults, it has a rock and roll vibe to it which could give my magazine that vintage, classic edge.

Bassline - It sounds current, and it would be more suited towards teens and toung adults into Drum and Bass or mainstream music artists such as David Guetta or Flo Rida, it sounds quite nice to say and i could image some edgy graphics to go with it.

I hope you take these comments into consideration and PLEASE GO AND VOTE :)

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